My Sweet and Twisted Life

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein

Monday, May 22, 2006

My big girl

Lil'babs was at her dad's house yesterday. She called me yesterday morning with some news. Her tooth was loose. Well I have been hearing that her tooth was loose for the last 6 months. She has a few older friends that have lost teeth and they told her about the tooth fairy. She has been wanting to loose her teeth since then. Last week she even took some toilet paper and waded it up real small and whispered to me "I am gonna trick the tooth fairy into thinking this is my tooth" Of course I told her the tooth fairy was pretty smart and would figure it out. Well, since she called to tell me the big news she was very adament this time. Her dad got on the phone and confirmed that is was indeed a bottom loose tooth. The first thing she showed me when she got home was her loose tooth. I wiggled it and ended up getting all emotional. My eyes welled up. I told her that she couldn't loose any teeth because that meant she was growing up! I didn't want her to grow up. She was to stay my baby forever! She told me "Mama, I will always be your baby!" Isn't she the sweetest thing!!

By the way, what is the tooth fairy paying nowadays?

I have to add this in, too. Every night I brush Lil"babs teeth. She gets to do it herself in the morning. Well, she never holds still for very long. So, about 3 months ago I started singing the Star Spangled Banner while brushing her teeth. It is the longest song that I know the words to. Anyways, about a week ago I had finished the song and Lil'babs spit and rinsed. She turned to me and said "Mama you should be on American Idol!" I laughed to myself because I don't sing well at all!


At 12:40 PM, Blogger Woman atop her Soapbox said...

I remember the Tooth Fairy paid Son $5 for his first tooth out because she didn't have any change that night.


At 11:05 PM, Blogger snowelf said...


The tooth fairy once deposited the money straight onto mommie's debit card at my house! (She pays a dollar around here.)

And Snickers lost tooth number 4 this past saturday.

I swear, my heart breaks everytime she hands over the tiny bloody things... yes...that's me, tough as nails on the first day of kindergarten, but a tooth falls out and I tear up everytime.


At 6:47 PM, Blogger JerBear said...

OK so what should the tooth fairy pay the 15 yr old who needs 4 teeth remove surgically before the braces go on??

I already had to pay for grades this year and the Braces are going partially on credit and $1000 is coming from insurace.(another perk of the new job, I'm finding so many things I love about this company)

Most of you know T has the mentality of someone lots younger than 15. He asked if he got to put the teeth out for the TF even though they aren't falling out. I think he expects BIG $$ for these ones cause he's going to have to endure some pain.

Jer-At a loss to tell you how much your TF should give, but T got $10 for his first tooth and a buck there after. That's cause the first is the hardest to get through.


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