My Sweet and Twisted Life

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The twisted...

I think there is an invisible fairy that lives in my house. This little fairy loves to lock the doors leading out of the house. She thinks it is hilarious to lock it when I go out to the mailbox or take out the trash. I am only gone for a minute. I come back and the door is locked. Why oh why does she torture me this way.

She did again to me tonight. I was taking out the trash. I was only gone long enough to walk it down to the curb. By the time I came back she had struck again. I was locked out of my own house. I got smart this time. I am on to her. I finally have an extra set of keys hidden away outside of the house because I knew that little fairy would strike again. I've learned it is not fun explaining to a neighbor that I have a fairy in my house that likes to lock the doors on me, and can I please use your phone to call my mom who has keys to get in.

Now, I hope she doesn't decide to move on to my car now that she knows I can get back into my house with the extra set of keys. I don't have an extra set of keys for the car, yet.


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