My Sweet and Twisted Life

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

San Diego

How was San Diego you ask? Let's just say I have always thought I would live in the DFW area of Texas all my life, but not anymore! I am moving to San Diego!!! Ok, not anytime soon, but someday.

It is absolutely gorgeous there!! We left home with temps in the 100's and arrived to what San Diego thinks as warm at 78 degrees! Lovin it! Dancer's (adopted) mom picked us up from the airport. She is the nicest lady, drives a little crazy, but her sweetness makes up for it, lol! She drops us off at C's house (her son). Dancer's Miata convertible is there so we have wheels while in SD. Gotta have a convertible in SD. The only bad thing is wind blown hair all the time. We drove out to my uncle's cafe and had the best sandwiches and visited with family members I haven't seen in awhile. Then we went down to the beach and walked out on the pier, had some ice cream and then Starbucks. That eve we met back up with C at his house and then headed out to the harbor where C has his sailboat. It was a nice cool evening sail. We went out in the habour and just played around. The only time we would have any waves is if another boat passed by. We docked up around nine and had dinner at a place near the dock. Dripping in sarcasm... Imagine a restaurant near the ocean that serves seafood, what a novel idea! (I don't like seafood so there wasn't much to choose from). Anyhoo, Dancer and I stayed overnight on the sailboat (just the two of us) while it was docked. You would think this is romantic, but it's not. It is just a cramped space on water. Nonetheless we took care of business and I can add a sailboat to my list of places...LOL!!

Day 2
We spent the morning out on the deck of the boat sipping coffee and enjoying the view and each other and just being outside with such nice temperatures! That afternoon we went to Mission Beach and rode a roller coaster and rented bikes and rode them around the bay. The weather was just beautiful. That evening we drove to the parents house for dinner. Now Mom and Pop live on a hill which to us Texans is a mountain. The drive up there in a small sporty convertible was fun. Little roads that go up and down and wind around is fun. But the view, oh the view is just absolutely breath-taking. They have a gorgeous house with a gorgeous yard and a gorgeous garden with a gorgeous view it was all just so....well, gorgeous!! lol! In the garden they have avocado, oranges, lemon, limes, rhubarb, cantaloupe, grapefruit, tomatoes, watermelon, onions etc. etc. Yummy! Nice house and very nice company! Needless to say we spent the night there and not on the boat.

Day 3
We had breakfast and jetted out to the harbor with mom to meet up with C and his girlfriend L. We took the sail boat out in the ocean for almost 6 hours. The main difference between sailing in the harbor and the ocean is the size of the waves. The waves are huge out in the ocean. At first it was fun. Dancer and I rode up front for a while and I screamed anytime the boat dipped or leaned to one side. After a while it became more extreme. I found out you do ot go down below to pee no matter how bad you gotta go! The rocking motion and having been down below made me sick to my stomach, Dancer, too. They gave us some pills to help. I felt better after about an hour, but Dancer was sick up until we pulled into the bay. Then he was fine. It happens that fast! We had dinner on the boat with family and friends. We were invited to stay the night on the boat, but we declined. We headed back to mom and pops for a peaceful sleep in a nice comfy bed!

Day 4
We got up and headed over to G's house for brunch. She is C's ex girlfriend, but still great friends with him and the family. I can see why. She is very friendly and so sweet. We headed out to the airport after that. We had a slight delay due to weather. We were home by 9pm. It was a great weekend!! A fabulous way to end the summer!!


At 2:12 PM, Blogger snowelf said...

I would have been scared on the boat too. I don't trust those things to stay upright! ;) But still--a sailboat! Very cool! It's so nice that you guys got to spend such a great getaway together. I see lots of travel in your future!!

Hope all is well at work.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger TuxBaby said...

I'd have been seasick, too!! I'm still a Dramamine-girl every time I fly. :-P

I'm glad you guys had a great time though, despite that part! And woohooo about all the bed-time you got in! ;-)

Good luck with student teaching- don't let those kids eat you up!



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